Monday 5 August 2013

Proform 350 Treadmill Review

The Proform 350 Treadmill

The Proform 350 Treadmill is an economical choice from on the giants in the industry. Coming from the same makers as products like NordicTrack will give you an idea of what kind of technology is behind this machine. While this is definitely not a high end machine, it may be the perfect fit for a beginner. Of course, only you can decide that.

A drawback (or positive depending upon how you look at it) of the machine is that it has not programs. What this means is that when you are working out, unless you manually adjust the speed and angle, you will be at the same level during your entire workout. A programmable treadmill will take care of this automatically. If you are intimidated by programs and have difficulty managing them, this is actually a benefit instead of a weakness.

The warranty of the machine is reflective of its price. You have 3 years on the motor and 90 days on parts and labor. It is very competitive with other machines in this price range, but you do have the reputation and quality of the manufacturer to back it up.

Most treadmills in this price range are pretty cut and dry. You turn them off and on and that is about it. With this model, you will also get a calorie counter and pulse sensors. Normally, you would have to spend the extra cash to go out and get your heart monitor, but here you are getting it included with the machine for about the same price as you would pay for a decent monitor.

This is not a machine for a heavy person that is trying to lose weight or a serious runner. The treadmill has a 250 pound weight limit and economy cushioning. If you are planning on knocking out a lot of miles running, you are going to tear up your joints. Walking for a smaller individual would be its recommended usage.

Overall, you are getting a decent treadmill for the price. The fact is that you can only get so much for $400 and ProForm gives you a lot more than most companies do for this price. This is about as basic as it gets with a couple of nice plusses in the calorie counter and heart monitor.

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